Christmas Flowers Mexico

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Unifying Holiday Theme: Family – Christmas Flowers Mexico

christmasflowersmexicoAt this time of year is a time of deep traditions.

If it’s Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa (Muslim holy month of Ramadan fall sometimes in this time of year, but it was late summer 2011) is a festive season which may include meetingsfamily, music, prayer, gifts, parties or fasting.

The House of Prayer (Prayer House), a church, especially Hispanics in the southwest of Springfield, eight of the children attending recently spoke of many traditions they observe.

Children who met on Sunday, December 8 to 18 age range.

Many festivities are shared old family traditions. Some were taken to another country.

Anyway, has always shown a similar theme in conversation: the family.

Tony Martinez, 8, says that many of their families gathered for Christmas, pictures are an important part of the routine.

“We have to take pictures of the family,” he said.

Kim Navas, 18, said, for many, the church becomes the de facto family, because families are often spread across the country or even abroad.

“We welcome here (in the house of prayer),” he said. “I came here as a family and share.”

Many share common traditions. They go to church on christmas flowers mexico Eve and then go home for the holidays, the Mexican lasagna or turkey. Most said they begin to open gifts at midnight and stay with relatives until dawn.

“We eat at midnight,” said Juan Baeza, 13. “Can we open presents and stay until 5 or 6 o’clock.”

Ruben Lozano, 8, said her family goes to church on christmas flowers mexico blogs Eve. But after that, like other families of Reuben knows something that no longer associated with the summer holidays.

“After my return, draw some fireworks,” said Ruben. “It’s a tradition in Mexico.”

Another popular tradition among students are piñatas. Kenneth Baeza, 9, said they were still some in the church.

“Last year a piñata as a snowman,” he said. “More like a sock full of candy and treats for Christmas ..”

Charles Chan, 10, said her family always has a piñata at home too.

“We celebrate the 0:00 to 6:00,” he said. “I bite and I break a piñata.”

The house of prayer, young people are an annual tradition to work on a play about the birth of Jesus, who said, to be held this year on December 18.

Kim, whose family is originally from El Salvador, said he recently spent Christmas there.

“The unity of the whole family,” he said.

“We have fireworks in the evening and presented then open it is not cold there as here .. There are many people in the street. It’s more like the Fourth of July. ”

For many, it is also a time of prayer and reflection.

“We also pray for everything we did (during the year),” said Mercy Baeza, 8.

Ruben said to be involved in all the house of prayer and pray in silence.

After opening gifts, said Kim, one of the traditions of his family, that’s what they were grateful.

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